
Monday, June 20, 2011

The Dusk of the Times

 An evening walk produced the following poem and pictures taken with my iPhone.


The bright blue gray of dusk masks the trees, leaves, and grasses.

But the red clay beneath my feet keeps me walking tall and breathing steady.

Through the silvery edges of age lining the tree stumps, 
an echo of triumph and glory resounds in my chest.

Oh, light of old, a singer's thread, comes nigh and twix my tongue. 

 A still and quiet wakening is naught but mine to hold. 

 And when the solemn, silent gust of freedom should knock me down... 

 I rise again. Nay, I fly again, high, on this abundant coast.

This is Home.

This morning, I felt impressed to look up this song from the Chronicles of Narnia by Switchfoot entitled, "This is Home."

I've got my memories
They're always
Inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
I believe it now
I've come too far
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
Created for a place
I've never known

This is home
Now I'm finally
Where I belong
Where I belong
Yeah, this is home
I've been searching
For a place of my own
Now I've found it
Maybe this is home
Yeah, this is home

Belief over misery
I've seen the enemy
And I won't go back
Back to how it was
And I've got my heart set
On what happens next
I've got my eyes wide
And it's not over yet
We are miracles
And we're not alone


And now after all
My searching
After all my questions
I'm gonna call it home
I've got
A brand new mindset
I can finally see
The sunset
I'm gonna call it home


Author C.S. Lewis wrote, "If I discover within myself the desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

What I see in this music video and in the Chronicle of Narnia series is a feeling of dissatisfaction among the children who have tasted Narnia. They have experienced Aslan's kingdom as Kings and Queens of Narnia. They have defeated beasts and worked as a team. The land is breathtaking and wild. So they yearn. Their hearts are not satisfied in the world. They desire more because they have tasted more.

In the same way, I have experienced Heaven and tasted of its wonders. I have been physically and emotionally healed. I have fought for His kingdom. I am a Queen there. His leadership is perfect and the land is wild and mysterious.

I belong there. My spirit resonates with that fact every time I glimpse it more.

So remember when you are praying. When you are worshiping. When you are seeing restoration and when you are experiencing mystery.

This is Home.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Personal Reflections and Revelations Part 1

   A few friends have asked for me to write some of my more personal experiences here on the blog. I agree that I don't just want this blog to be a "what-I-did-today" blog, and would like to let you see a little more of what the Lord has been teaching me...

About Himself:
   In many ways, I was regarding God as judgmental and unforgiving. He was not a loving, kind, and merciful God in my eyes. A lot of times, I didn't believe that He wanted me to be happy or to have good things. And that perspective needed to change! 
   To illustrate how the old mindset affected me: I wanted to wake up early this morning to go to the 24 hour prayer house to have devotional time with the Lord. A valiant goal, and one which I was sure the Lord would bless. Then I ended up snoozing my alarm and didn't wake until ten o clock! I woke up feeling guilty and shamed. Condemned. I am fairly unforgiving of myself (maybe the side effect of being the oldest child, perfectionist, and people-pleaser). And for some reason, I viewed God that way as well! 

Here are a few verses for myself and YOU if you are dealing with the same thing:

"Now there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus." - Romans 8:1 
   The first 18 verses of Romans speak about life and freedom in the Spirit. :) It's awesome! 

"Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him." - Lamentations 3:22-25 

“The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” - Zephaniah 3:17

   Whenever you feel that familiar condemnation that is NOT from God, remind yourself of these verses and get a NEW VIEW of who God is and how much He loves you! My friend, Jenna, reminded me yesterday that I am (and YOU are) God's happy thought! When He thinks about YOU, he laughs and loves you so deeply!!

About love: 
   "...true love germinates in the soil of sacrifice, sprouts in the garden of surrender, and matures in a matrimony of servanthood. Love is not love unless it has cost you something to give it away." - from Purity, by Kris Valloton

Stay tuned for the next installment, including About myself and About my dreams!


Friday, June 17, 2011

His faithfulness

God is SO faithful to provide!!!

This morning, I was running a few minutes late and was super-bummed about it. I had wanted to be to worship on time! I am staying in a home about 1.5 miles away from the church and have been walking back and forth to school. So I had started walking, was on the phone with my boyfriend and was telling him that I was bummed about being late. Then we prayed and I asked God to supernaturally get me to the church on time. It had not been longer than one minute since I had hung up with Alexander, when from behind me drives up a car filled with students going to Bethel asking me if I wanted a ride!!

We literally pulled into the parking lot at 10:00 AM on the dot.

Glory to God.

Worship was amazing and then Jenn Johnson spoke about doing things God tells us to do without the extra thoughts about what people will think or how crazy it is. She is so great, fun, and animated!

Then I attended a "Building New Chords" class with Marc Cooper - an incredible 54-year old guitarist which rocked my world!! He taught the "C-A-G-E-D" system which is essentially a way to look at the guitar with patterns and ways to find different voicings of the same chord! If I practice, I will be able to utilize all of the neck of the guitar rather than wimping out with a capo whenever I want to play in a different key. ;)

All in all, I am learning SO much about God, myself, music, community, worship...

GOD IS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. And Bethel is so great. I really love this church, their vision, and the leaders.

Please continue to pray a blessing on all of the worship leaders who are here. We will all be sent out and impact the Kingdom with new worship!!

Jessica Meyers

P.S. I'm going to try to start taking pictures to put up on these posts so they are not just text. Thanks for hanging in there, you visual people!! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This place, this time, these people - ARE GOLD.

I am in AWE of the opportunity placed before me here at Bethel School of Worship. I attended a Music Business class today from 3:30 - 5 PM led by the Director of Bethel Music, Joel Taylor. It was an insanely rich discussion about the business side of producing music. We talked about publishing houses, recording labels, copyrights, and many other topics.

Also, worshipping with a bunch of worshippers/musicians/artists is one of the coolest experiences ever. 

THE HARMONIES! I'm just saying ;) 

No, but really, after the speaker today (Jeremy Riddle), the whole room just broke out into spontaneous song and reinditions of popular worship songs. It was like heaven's angels. What a blessing and a joy!

I feel like the Lord is directing my steps and feeding and growing me SO much. I feel transformed and we've only just finished the second day. Here's to many more!

Jessica Meyers

A Dream.

I have my worship playlist playing this morning and am listening as every other song is by an artist who is HERE! I am awestruck. 


Brian and Jenn Johnson 
Ray Hughes
Brian and Ramey Whalen
Skyler and Kim Walker-Smith
Ian McIntosh
Jeremy Riddle
Chris Quilala
Kathryn Scott and Rita Springer (Guests)
and more musicians representing Bethel Live and JesusCulture... 


It makes me realize how important worship is to a believer and how much of an impact a worship leader can have. These people and their songs have literally shaped my walk with the Lord. It puts a whole new weight on worship-leading and song-writing. I feel more personal responsibility as a musician and worship-leader. Other peoples' relationship with the Lord may be impacted by what I write and sing just as I have been affected so deeply by the musicians here.

This is such an incredible opportunity to learn from those who have gone before. To soak in all of their wisdom and experience. I feel so blessed! Please pray for me that God will teach me and mold me to look more like Him.

Have a beautiful day, everyone!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome to Bethel School of Worship

The first day of Bethel School of Worship (BSW) 2011 was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. 

Incredible worship and dance session, meeting artists and musicians from ALL OVER THE WORLD who have come to become better worshippers, an amazing team of leaders who I hold in high esteem and respect, an incredible message about being unique and changing the mindset of a generation through music, and then sign ups for the most AWESOME CLASSES EVER! 

Keys/Sound Design, Studio Mixing Techniques, Creative Movement... just to name a few. AND, to top it all off, it's 95 degrees and gloriously sunny. I am LOVING THIS.